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DMT E-Mesh

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Your personal Space Ship.

This device is for DMT enthusiasts who want to take their hyperspace exploration to a new level. The DMT E-Mesh was first conceived on the DMT Nexus forum in 2019 and started growing in popularity ever since for its ability to instantly push the user into hyperspace with one hit. If we compare to other more known methods such as the DMT Vape, you will usually need 2 – 4 large hits to achieve breakthrough. If we compare to DMT freebase using the glass bulb pipe, you’ll achieve breakthrough with around 3 pulls and you usually want someone to accompany you to help. 


1x Geekvape Aegis Solo 2 100W TC Box Mod with Battery
1x RDA (Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer) with preinstalled mesh
1x Extended Glass Drip Tip
1x Replacement mesh with Allen Key


DISCLAIMER: You will need to actively tune the device to suit your desired preferences, we will have the recommended settings below in the drop down section. Please make sure to read the “Directions of use & Dosage.”



 Directions of use & Dosage

  1. You will need to learn about the device so watch this video: 
  2. Press the top button (power button) 5 times to turn the device on. Press the power button 3 times quickly to be able to get into the settings state, then you can press the power button to cycle through that particular menus editable settings; you can switch a setting by using the bottom buttons. You can change the particular menus by using the bottom buttons on the very top setting. We will only concern ourselves with the Power menu, and the TC-SS menu.
  3. The device will have the recommended power settings, and recommended TC-SS settings already in place. Like in the declaimer, you may need to tweak these settings for your preference.

Recommended Procedure (Taken from MintyLove(Click here))

Power Mode:

1. Set your mod to 17W power mode, load 10mg or less on the mesh, melt the spice into the mesh as described on the videos (see the start of this video for an example).  Note point 8 – If and when you use >15mg, use a few more Watts.

2. Check the air inlet vents are set fully open on the RDA

3. Start with a few deep breaths and then with empty lungs, begin your toke and immediately you have an airflow going, press and hold down the “fire” button.  Extremely important – start the inhale toke slightly before holding the fire button not after, otherwise the mesh will quickly overheat and produce the harshest possible vapor imaginable!

4. Aim for a timed (e.g. with a clock second hand) 7 second constant toke to fill lungs from almost empty to almost full. Hold the mod upright during toking to prevent spillage of molten dimitri. Experience shows that many vastly overestimate their toking duration. Time the 7 secs accurately with a clock etc, not just count in your head

5. During the toke, if it feels overly harsh then stop and go to step 7.  The vapor should feel warm in the throat and lungs (or will likely have little or no effect), but If it feels uncomfortably hot then increase the toke rate (i.e. suck a bit harder) and it’ll quicky cool.  If you think you can take a little more heat, slow down the toke a little. Remember – cool vapor will probably have very weak or no effect, irrespective of the dose

6. As you stop toking, release the fire button, place your mod down and lie back in a comfy position. Hold the vapor in your lungs as long as is comfortable – 20 secs or more if possible (hotter vapor seems to absorb quicker).  Then enjoy the love from the universe!

7. If you’re a total noob to vaping, then your lungs will not be acclimatized and above may prove impossible – harshness and coughing may result.  In this case stick with the 17W and 10mg but forget tripping for now. The first job is to get used to the vapor by taking shorter duration tokes, say 2-3 seconds get into your comfort zone.  Then gradually work up the toke duration over a couple of weeks until your cough reflex is under control and your lungs seem better able to cope.

8. If and when you use more than about 15mg, if still using a 7 sec toke use a few more Watts to vaporize in the same time with the same toking rate, and more than about 20mg (for the adventurous) – then few more on top of that – I can’t be precise on the increase, you’ll need to experiment around to find out what works best for you. 


Threshold: 5-10mg (none to very slight CEV’s & OEV’s psychedelic thought patterns)
Low: 10-15mg (none to slight CEV’s and very slight OEV’s possible)
Common: 15-30mg (Most common Breakthrough range)
High: 30-45mg (Pretty insane, can be very difficult to handle for some)
Overkill: 45mg and up (Not Recommended, most who vape this properly NEVER do it again)

  • Option:

    No DMT

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